NEP Component Research
Tomatis Research 研究結果
如 果 你 有 興 趣 瞭 解 更 多 的 資 料 , 你 可 瀏 覽 以 下 資料, 介 紹 不 同 的 研 究 、 個 案 研 討 及 文 章 , 幫 助 你 了 解 更 多 有 關 托 馬 迪 斯 教 授 聽 力 訓 練 的 歷 史 及 理 論、 了 解 聆 聽 的 能 力 對 學 習 的 影 響 及 應 用 的 成 效。Tomatis 有大量持續的研究,案例研究和文章,提供了廣泛 Tomatis 方法的應用和成功案例,在於 ( and ( 。請參閱 Ricochet 期刊 ( 一份專業,同行評議的期刊 Tomatis 進行額外研究。
There is a large and ongoing volume of research, case studies and articles that provide extensive examples of the applications and successes of the Tomatis Method at ( and ( Please see Ricochet Online Journal ( the professional, peer reviewed journal of Tomatis Consultants for additional research.
Additional Research References website附加其他網站科研資料:
A Comprehensive List of Books and articles about the Tomatis Method
List of Researches @Tomatis website for the Tomatis Effect with Children and Adults
List of Research done on Tomatis Auditory Stimulation by Sound therapy International
Escera, P. C. (2015). Scientific validation of the Tomatis® Effect: EEG recordings of sound from brainstem to cerebral cortex encoding – University of Barcelona
Concepció Torres Sabaté, D. M., Sabate, T. (2014). Aplicación y Análisis del Método Tomatis® en Escuelas Públicas de Infantil y Primaria. Departamnento de Pedagogia de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacion y Psicologia de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Spain.
Rafaele Joudry (2010).The Science of Brain Optimization through Sound Therapy, Sound Therapy International 2010.
Weeks, B. S. (1989). The Therapeutic Effect of High Frequency audition and Its role in Scared Music in eds. Gilmore, et. al Listening About the Tomatis Method S. et.Al. The Listening Centre Press, Toronto
Le Gall, A. (1973) Le Redressement de certaines déficiences psychologiques et psychopédagogiques par l’appareil à effet Tomatis. Paris: Centre du Langage.
Porges Polyvagal Research :
Stephen W. Porges (2017 ). Examining the Effects of Processed Music on Chronic Pain
Stephen W. Porges.(2014). The Listening Project: Tuning Into Change
Stephen W. Porges.(2014).Neurophysiological Background for the Safe & Sound Protocol
Peijing Rong and Jiliang Fang, Yang Hong,Yangyang Fan, Jun Liu, Honghong Wang, Guolei
Porges, S.W., Lewis, G.F., 2009. The polyvagal hypothesis: common mechanisms mediating autonomic regulation, vocalizations, and listening. In: Brudzynski, S.M. (Ed.), Handbook of Mammalian Vocalizations: An Integrative Neuroscience Approach. Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 255–264.
Key empirical research articles for different Conditions 針對以下的狀況的使用 Tomatis 的案例研究結果:
Summary Report of Research 硏究總結報告:
Early Effects of the Tomatis Listening Method in Children with ADD
A Review of 35 Research Studiesdone on Tomatis Auditory Stimulation by Jan Gerritsen 2009
Thompson, B. M. and Andrews, S. (2000). An Historical Commentary on the Physiological Effects of Music: Tomatis, Mozart and Neuropsychology, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 35:3, 174-188.
Gilmor, T.M. (1995) The efficacy of the Tomatis Method for children with learning and communication disorders: A meta-analysis.of the data he obtained from five studies conducted in the 1980s to evaluate the efficacy of the Tomatis Method
Van Jaarsveld, P.E. & DuPlessis, W.F. (1988). Audio-psycho-phonology at Potchefstroom: A review. South African Journal of Psychology, 18(4) 136-143-Reviewed a series of studies conducted between 1973 and 1983 at the University of Potchefstroom in South Africa
Stutt, H.A. (1983) The Tomatis Method: A review of current research. Montreal: McGill
University.--Reviewed five studies that involved preschool children with language delays
Anxiety 焦慮
Davis, C., & Smith, D. (2016). Case Study 18-Year-old client diagnosed with Aspergers, OCD and anxiety using the Tomatis® Method., Fit2learn, U.K.
Tinki, H. (2011). The Effects of the Tomatis® Listening Training on the Spatial Sense. University of Vienna, Austria.
Spaggiari, G., Luppi, L.G., & Spaggiari, P. (1995), Validita’ del Metodo Tomatis su oltre 400 casi clinici di pazienti con problem psicologici e psichiatrici, presented at the October 1995 International Tomatis Congress in Neuchatel, Switzerland.
Madaule, P. (1994). When listening comes alive: a guide to effective listening and communication. 2nd ed. Canada: Moulin Publishing. p.31
Du Plessis, W.F. & Van Jaarsveld, P.E. (1988). „Audio-psycho-phonology: A comparative outcome study on anxious primary school pupils”. South Africa Tydskr. Sielk (Journal of Psychology), 18:4, 144-151.
Du Plessis, W.F. (1982). Beangste en nie-beangste eerstejaardamestudente: 'n klinies psigologiese verkenning. Potchefstroom: PU vir CHO. (Proefskrif - DPhil.) 439 p
Peché, A. (1975). Anxiety. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa (written in the Afrikaans language).
Depression 憂鬱
Leeds, Joshua. (2001) The Power of Sound. Healing Arts Press.
Botes, C. E. (1979). Audio-psycho-phonology with neurotic depression. Unpublished master’s thesis, North-West University.
Attention 專注力
Tatum, J. M., Oelfke, J. K., McCauley, C. P. (2004). Case-study : Tomatis®-Assisted Speech Therapy, USA.
Thompson, B.M. (2004c). The Tomatis method, listening test, and electronic ear. Ricochet international journal of Tomatis Method research, 1(1 ):55-58, May.
Kurkowski ZM (2002). Lateralizacja s?uchowa a zaburzenia komunikacji j?zykowej [Auditory laterality in language communication disorders], XIV Conference of Polish Society of Speech Therapists, Lublin, abstract book p. 21.
Kurkowski ZM, Ratynska J, Szkie?kowska J, Markowska R. (2002). Listening ability and auditory lateralization in patients with vocal fold nodules, XVIIth World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS), Cairo, abstract book p. 288 (it will be published in full text in conference proceedings under the title Listening ability and auditory lateralisation in patients with vocal fold nodules and other laryngeal pathologies secondary to improper voice emission) .
Kurkowski ZM, Grabias S, Skarzynski H. (1998). Audiogenically conditioned language communication disorders, Proceedings of the International Otolaryngologic Congress, Bratislava, Abstract book p. 95.
Kurkowski ZM, Skarzynski H, Micha?owska E. (1998). Lateralization of hearing vs cochlear implants, Proceedings of the International Otolaryngologic Congress, Bratislava, Abstract book p. 96.
Kurkowski ZM, Skarzynski H, Mueller-Malesi?ska M, Micha?owska E. (1998). Unilateral hearing impairment vs difficulties in education, Proceedings of the International Otolaryngologic Congress, Bratislava, Abstract book p. 98.
Madaule, P. 1994. When listening comes alive: a guide to effective listening and communication. 2nd ed. Canada: Moulin Publishing. p.31
Jaušovec, N., & Habe, K. (2005). The Influence of Mozart’s Sonata K. 448 on Brain Activity During the Performance of Spatial Rotation and Numerical Tasks. Brain Topography, 17 (4), 207-218.
Jaušovec, N., & Habe, K. (2004). The influence of auditory background stimulation (Mozart's sonata K. 448) on visual brain activity. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 51(3), 261-271.
Jaušovec, N., & Habe, K. (2003). The “Mozart Effect”: An Electroencephalographic Analysis Employing the Methods of Induced Event-Related Desynchronization/Synchronization and Event- Related Coherence. Brain Topography, 16(2), 73-84.
Audiroty Processing Difficulties
Joudry, R. (2018). Evidence for Joudry Sound Therapy A discussion paper for doctors.
Skrodzka, E., Furmann, A., Bogusz-Witczak, & Hojan, E. (2015). Comparison of Effects of Auditory and Music Training of Blind or Visually Impaired Young People on Performance in Selected Auditory Tasks. Institute of Acoustics, A. Mickiewicz Universty, Acoutisal Engineering, Poland, Vol. 128, No.1A
Nicoliff, Francoise, Le Roux, Maude. (2011) The Listening Journey. Australia: Hear and Now Publishing with the International Association of Registered Certified Tomatis Consultants
Sound Therapy: Music to Recharge your Brain Book. Patricia Joudry And Rafaele Joudry, 2009.
Chastain, A. (2008). Effectiveness of Listening (Auditory) Therapies. Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, USA.
Ross-Swain, D. (2007). The Effects of Auditory Stimulation on Auditory Processing Disorder: A Summary of the Findings, International Journal of Listening, Volume 21, 2007 - Issue 2
Tatum, J. M., Oelfke, J. K., McCauley, C. P. (2004). Case-study : Tomatis®-Assisted Speech Therapy, USA
Thompson, B.M. (2004c). The Tomatis method, listening test, and electronic ear. Ricochet international journal of Tomatis Method research, 1(1 ):55-58, May.
Scherer, Priscilla. (2002). Learning to Listen. Adoptive Families Magazine: 31-34.
Kurkowski ZM (2000). Psycholinguistic consequences of right-sided vs left-sided deafness, proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Oto-rhino-laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Berlin, Monduzzi Editore ,117-120.
Biuletyn Polskich Terapeutów Mowy Kurkowski ZM (1999). Zaburzenia percepcji s?uchowej u osób z alali? motoryczn?, [Disturbances of auditory perception in patients with motor alalia] Audiofonologia, XV, 199-204.
Kurkowski ZM (1999). Psychopedagogiczne konsekwencje g?uchot jednostronnych [ Psychopedagogical consequences of unilateral deafness] , Audiofonologia, XV, 215-220.
Tone, Sue (2002). The Importance of Music in Children’s Lives. Arizona Child: 20-24.
Kurkowski ZM (1999). Hearing disorders in the case of motor alalia, 6th International Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warszawa-Miko?ajki, abstract book (CD), abstract nr 113.
Kurkowski ZM (1999). Lateral hearing impairment vs. psychopedagogical difficulties, 6th International Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warszawa-Miko?ajki, abstract book (CD), abstract nr 116.
Burger, S. (1999). The effect of structured Audio-Psycho-Phonological progamme with musical young adults. Unpublished master’s thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa (written in the Afrikaans language).
Women’s Health Letter (1998). Sound Therapy: Exciting Healing Breakthroughs with Sound & Music, Soundview Publications, Atlanta, GA., Vol. VII, No. 11.
Rolf, A. S. (1998). The evaluation of an Audio-Psycho-Phonological enrichment programme for psychology students. Unpublished master’s thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa (written in the Afrikaans language).
Madaule, P. (1997). Listening Training for Children: Method, Application, and Outcomes. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders.
Madaule, P: (1997) The Listening Cure. Equinox Magazine (92, XVI:2): 64-77.
Mind and Brain Sciences in the 21st Century.Robert L. Solso.1997
Thompson, B.M. (1996). Listening, Spirituality, and the Musical Ear: The Tomatis Method, The Orff Echo
Thompson, B.M. (1995). Listening Integration Training, Complementary Health, Winter/Spring, p. 5- 7.
Thompson, B. (1995). Listening: More than Hearing, Hearing Health Magazine,
The Cutting Edge, Pushing the Boundaries of Hearing Science. Voice International Publications, Ingleside, TX.
Thompson, B.M. (1993). Listening disabilities: Plight of Many. In Wolvin, A. and Coakley, C. (Eds), “Perspectives on Listening. Norwood”, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
Sadownik B., Schiftan Y. (1993). Alfreda Tomatisa pedagogika ws?uchiwania si? [ A. Tomatis's listening pedagogy], in Opuscula Logopaedica, University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin p. 86-93.
Thompson, B.M. (1993). Sound Therapy. In Burton Goldberg Group, “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide”. Puyallup, Washington: Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.
Thompson, B.M. (1992). Opening to Change and a Few Mearacles. Open Ear, 6-9.
Thompson, B.M. (1990). Tomatis technique: application of sound listening and learning. Paper presented at Region V Workshop, National Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences Education Board.
Belk, J.B. (1989). The journey and its new roadmap: clinical experience with the Tomatis Method. In Gilmor, T.M., Madaule, P. and Thompson, B. (Eds.), “About the Tomatis Method” (pp. 129-143). Toronto: The Listening Centre Press.
Gilmor, T.M., Madaule, P. and Thompson, B. (1989). About the Tomatis Method, Toronto: The Listening Centre Press.
Thompson, B.M. (1989). Listening Technology.
Roberts, C.V. (1988). The validation of listening tests: cutting of the Gordian Knot. Journal of the International Listening Association, 2, 1-19.
Thompson, B., Madaule, P., & Gilmor, T. (1988-89). Listening, learning & the Tomatis Method. Human Intelligence Newsletter. 9:4, 8-9.
Kierman, S. A. (1986). “Vers L’Ecoute Humain,”: Tomatis’ theories on Audio-Psycho-Phonology. Unpublished masters thesis, University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Husson, M.R., Moulonguet, M. (1957). « Modifications Phonatoires d’Origine Auditive et Applications Physiologiques et Cliniques » Bulletin de l’Academie Nationale de Medecine/2 141: 19-20
Autistic/Asperger 自閉/阿斯伯格症
Torres de Carell, N. (2009). The Tomatis® Method and its impact on children with echolalia in the autism spectrum, Spain.
Davis, D. S. (2005). The Results of 100 Autistic Children Pre and Post the Basic Tomatis® Program, presented at the 2005 International Association of Registered Certified Tomatis Consultants Conference, May 5-8, 2005, Segovia, Spain.
Nel, L. (2005). Asperger disorder and Tomatis® Method: Case study. North West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa.
Schiedeck, D. E. (2000), Die Auswirkungen des Tomatis - Gehörtraining auf Motorik, visuelle Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit und Lautbildung leicht autistischer Kinder und Jugendlicher im Alter von 4 -18 Jahren mit IQ-Minderungen (IQ ≤ 50% - 80%) und mit Sprache, S. Roderer Verlag, Regensburg
Spaggiari, G., Luppi, L.G., & Spaggiari, P. (1995), Validita’ del Metodo Tomatis su oltre 400 casi clinici di pazienti con problem psicologici e psichiatrici, presented at the October 1995 International Tomatis Congress in Neuchatel, Switzerland.
Language (including foreign) 語言學習 (包括外語)
Ina-Marí du Toit, Wynand F. du Plessis & Doret K. Kirste (2014).Tomatis Method Stimulation: Effects on Student Educational Interpreter. Journal of Psychology in Africa Volume 21, 2011 - Issue 2 p. 257-265
Lozano, S. (2009). Follow-up Study on the Effects of Tomatis® Method in Communication, Linguistic, Cognitive and Emotional skills in children aged 6 -7. Departamento de la Communicacion Humana y sus Desordenes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Murase, K. (2004), Year 1 Pilot Study: Use of the Tomatis Method with Japanese High School Students learning English as a Foreign Language, International Journal of Tomatis Method Research, 1(1),51-53
Kaunzer U.A., & Gianni, F. (2002). The Audio Language Project Improvement of Auditory Comprehension and Oral Expression of a Foreign Language with the Tomatis Method,
University of Bologna and Diapason From Milan, Italy.
Kaunzner, Ulrike A. (2001). Das Ohr als Schlüssel zur Fremdsprachenkompetenz, Julius Groos Verlag, Tübingen, PhD thesis
Mac Donald, K., & Nicoloff, F. (2000). Exploración de nuevos métodos pedagógicos para la enseñanza de la pronunciación del inglés como segunda lengua. La importancia del Programa de Escucha de Tomatis. Unpublished manuscript. Tomatis Center (Australia).
Lemmer, K., Wissing, D.P., & Du Plessis, W. F. (2000). Audio-Psycho-Phonology as an aid to improve the pronunciation of the English Zulu-speakers:an evaluation. South African Journal of Language, 38, 113-132.
Joiner, Elizabeth G. (2000). Listening Training for Language Learners: The Tomatis Approach to Second Language Acquisition. In New Millennium, New Directions: Dimension 2000. Cherry, C. Maurice (Ed.) SCOLT Publications, Valdosta, GA (ED 467493).
Chutkow P. (1994). Depardieu. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf. See also English translation, Chutkow, P. (1994). Depardieu (transl. by Jacqueline Lahana). Paris: Belfond.
Wilson, B.C., Iacoviello, J.M., Metlay W., Risucci D., Rosati, R. & Palmaccio, T.,(1992). Tomatis Project Final Report. The Listening Centre, Ontario.
Campbell, D.G., & Brewer, C.B. (1991). Rhythms of learning: creative tools for academic development. Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press.
Sandislands, M. (1989). The Tomatis Listening Training Program: A Quasi-Experimental Field Evaluation, International Journal of Special Education
Van Jaarsveld, P.E. & Du Plessis, W.F. (1988). Audio-psycho-phonology at Potchefstroom: A review. South African journal of psychology, 18(4):136-143, June.
Wilson, Iacoviello, Metlay, Risucci, Rosati & Palmaccio (1982) The Tomatis Project / Final Report, Department of Neurology North Shore University Hospital and Hofstra University, Department of psychology. Paper presented at the Opening Communication Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Bloom, L. & Lahey, M. (1978). Language development and language disorders. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Vanthuyne, G., Debruyne, J., & Schenkel, R. (1977). Utilisation de l'oreille électronique à effet Tomatis dans le cadre du cours d'anglais d'une première année de l'enseignement secondaire belge. Comines, Belgium: Athénée Royal pour garçons et jeunes filles (bound typescript).
Van Jaarsveld, P.E. (1976). The effect of the Tomatis® Method on stuttering, University of Potchefstroom. Universoty of Potchestroom, South Africa.
Badenhorst.F.H. (1975).’n Rorschachstudie van regssydiges en linksluisteraars met gemengde laterale voorkeure. Ongepubliseerde M.-graad-skripsie. Potchefstroom Universiteit vir CHO: Potchefstroom.
Learning Difficulties 學習障礙
Kim, E. & Song, S. (2016). The effects on intervening of dyslexia high-risk group middle and high school students in Childcare Facilities : Apply the intervention program improves auditory processing. Journal of Digital Convergence, South Korea.
Donatini, B. & Dahan, J. C. (2012). Prospective and randomized study on 84 students with Hericium/Tomatis method. Quick Learning and Better Success Rate to Medical Competitive Examination. Phytotherapie, 10:324-326.
Toit, I. D. (2010). Educational Interpreters and the Tomatis® Method: a mixed methods study at the North-West University, South Africa.
Callahan, C.A. (2009). The Baker Academy Results of the Tomatis® within a Fifth Grade setting. Cheektowaga Central School District Union East Elementary, USA
Callahan, C.A. (2009). The Baker Academy Results of the Tomatis® Program First Grade Self-contained Setting. Baker Victory Services, USA.
Jaušovec, N., Jausovec, K., & Gerlic, I. (2006). The influence of Mozart's music on brain activity in the process of learning. Clin Neurophysiol.
Kurkowski ZM (2002). Uwaga s?uchowa u dzieci z dyslali? [Listening abilities in children with dyslalia], XIV Conference of Polish Society of Speech Therapists, Lublin , abstract book p. 33.
Folgheraiter, K., Menestrina, A., & Menestrina, R. (2002). Preliminary study on the effectiveness of the A.A. Tomatis Audio-Psycho-Phonological Method for the treatment of children with reading disorders.University of Pasdu, Italy.
Gilmor T.M. (1999). “The efficacy of the Tomatis Method for children with learning and communication disorders: a Meta-analysis”. International Journal of Listening, 13, 12-23.
Kershner, J., Cummings, R., Clarke, K., Hadfield, A., & Kershner, B. A. (1986). Evaluation of the Tomatis Listening Training Program with learning disabled children. Canadian Journal of Special Education, 2, 1-32.
Gilmor, T.M., (1984 / 2), Participant Characteristics and Follow-up Evaluations of Children and adolescents who have participated in the Listening Training Program (Tomatis Method)
Gilmor, T.M., (1984/1), A pre-test and post- test survey of children and adolescents' performance before and after completing the Tomatis Program. Final Report, MDS Inc., Toronto, Ontario.
Rourke and Russel cited in Stutt,(1983).Howard A. The Tomatis Method: A Review of Current Research. McGill University.
Donner, J. (1982). Audio-Psycho-Phonological remedial training in relation to the psychosocial and personality adjustment of dyslexic boys. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Ottawa. Unpublished manuscript.
Gilmor, T.M., (1982), A pre-test and post-test survey of children and adolescents' performance before and after completing the Tomatis Program. Research Report, MDS Inc., Toronto, Ontario.
Rourke, B.P. & Russell, D.L. (1982), The Tomatis Method applied to older learning disabled children: An evaluation. Paper presented at the Opening of the Communication Conference, Toronto, November 1982.
Vanthuyne, G., Debruyne, J., & Schenkel, R. (1977). Utilisation de l'oreille électronique à effet Tomatis dans le cadre du cours d'anglais d'une première année de l'enseignement secondaire belge. Comines, Belgium: Athénée Royal pour garçons et jeunes filles (bound typescript).
Pregnancy 懷孕
D’Orthy, C. and Monnet, B. (1991), La Méthode Tomatis: préparation phonique à l’accouchement à Foch en 1991, Travail de fin d’études.
Tomatis, A.A. (1989). Neuf Mois au Paradis. Paris: Ergo Press, 258 pages.
Klopfenstein, D. (1988), Préparation des accouchées sous oreille électronique, 2e Symposium International sur l’éducation prénatale, Saint Raphaël, cited by A. A. Tomatis in « Neuf Mois au Paradis » Ergo Press, 1989, p. 144
Querleu, D., Renard, X., Versyp, F., et al. (1988a). Fetal hearing.
European Journal of Obsterics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 29, 191-212. -
Querleu, D., Renard, X., Versyp, F., et al. (1988b). La transmission intra-amniotique des voix humaines. Revue française de gynécologie et d’obstétrique, 83, 43-50.
Spence, M. & DeCasper, A. (1986). Prenatal experience with low frequency maternal voice sounds influences the newborn's perception of maternal voice. Infant Behavioral Development, 10, 133-142.
Spence, M. & DeCasper, A. (1982). Human fetuses perceive maternal speech. Paper presented at the SRCD Conference, Austin, TX.
Verny, T. (1981). The secret life of the unborn child. New York: Dell Publishing Co.
Intellectual disability
De Bruto, C.M.E. (1983), Audio-psycho- phonology and the mentally retarded child: An empirical investigation. Paper presented at the First Congress on Audio-Psycho-phonology. Potchefstroom.
Sensory Processing Difficulties
Hall, L., & Case-Smith, J. (2007), The Effect of Sound-Based Intervention on Children With SPD and VMD. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April, Vol 61, No. 2, 209-215.
Tallal, P., & Piercy, M. (1975). Developmental aphasia: the perception of brief vowels and extended stop consonants. Neuropsychologia, 13(1), 69-74.
Tallal, P., & Piercy, M. (1973). Defects of non-verbal auditory perception in children with developmental aphasia. Nature, 241 (5390), 468–469.
Gentile, A. (1971). “Academic achievement test results of a national testing program for hearing impaired students:” (Series D, Number 9) Washington, DC: Office of Demographic Studies, Gallaudet College.
Speech 語言困難
Tatum, J. M., Oelfke, J. K., McCauley, C. P. (2004). Case-study : Tomatis®-Assisted Speech Therapy, USA.
Szkie?kowska A., Raty?ska J., Markowska R. Kurkowski M. (2001). Mo?liwo?ci terapii w dysfoniach dzieci?cych [Therapeutic modalities in child dysphonia], X Conference of the Phoniatric Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons, Wigry.
Kurkowski ZM (2000). Auditory lateralization vs speech disorders, proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Oto-rhino-laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Berlin, Monduzzi Editore, pp.113-116.
Van Jaarsveld, P.E. & DU Plessis, W.F. (1988). Audio-psycho-phonology at Potchefstroom: A review. South African journal of psychology, 18(4):136-143, June.
Weiss, W. (1985). Long‐term average spectra of continuous speech before and after Tomatis andio‐vocal training. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 78, S56.
Tallal, P., Miller, S., & Fitch, R. H. (1993). Neurobiological basis of speech: a case for the preeminence of temporal processing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 682, 27-47.
Tallal, P. (1976). Rapid auditory processing in normal and disordered language development. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 19, 561.
Sleep Disruption 睡眠困擾
Stress/Well-being 壓力/心靈健康
Rafaele Joudry (2010).The Science behind Sound Therapy’s Impact on Stress, Sound Therapy International 2010.
Plessis, W. M., Wissing, D. & Nel, W.(2008). Enhancing psychological Well-being and Musical Proficiency: Experiences of a Black South African Singer During a Tomatis® Study. Ricochet Journal, South Africa.
Nicoloff, F. (2004). Case studies of children with Dyspraxia following intervention with a Tomatis Method program. Ricochet international journal of Tomatis Method research,1(1):30 35, May.
Du Plessis, W.F., Vermeulen, C.M., Kirsten, O.K. (2004). The impact of a combined psycho-educational program on weight preoccupied, female South African Students. Ricochet international journal of Tomatis Method research, 1(1) :63-74, May.
Tunmer, S.D. (2002). The effect of the Tomatis Method on adults who experienced perinatal complications: a qualitative analysis. Potchefstroom: PU for CH (Mini-dissertation - MA). 54 p
Applegren, B. J. (1998). Music Therapy: Healing Chronic Conditions, Healing Arts Report. Volume 2, No. 6.
Rolf, A.S. (1998). Die evaluering van 'n oudiopsigofonologiese verrykingsprogram vir psigologiestudente. Potchefstroom: PU vir CHO. (Dissertation - MA.) 200 p.
Auriol, Bernard (1991, 1994). La Clef des sons. Erès Editions. Ramonville, France.
Abran, Henri (1989). L’Influence de la Musique sur l’apprentissage, le comportement et la santé. Editions Québec/Amérique.
Le Gall, A. (1961, 1988). The correction of certain psychological and psychopedagogical deficiencies by the Electronic Ear using the Tomatis Effect. Office of the Inspector General of Public Instruction, Paris. “Listen”.
Szkie?kowska A. Raty?ska J., Markowska R., Kurkowski ZM, Skar?y?ski H (2001). Czynniki predysponuj?ce do j?kania –charakterystyka grupy pacjentów Instytutu Fizjologii i Patologii S?uchu w Warszawie, [Predisposing factors to stuttering-charcteristics of the group of patients of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in Warsaw] Audiofonologia XX, 99-104.
Szkie?kowska A., Raty?ska J., Markowska R. Kurkowski M. (2001). Czynniki predysponuj?ce do jakania-charakterystyka grupy pacjentów [ Predisposing factors to stuttering] , X Conference of the Phoniatric Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons, Wigry.
Kurkowski, Z. M. (2000). Auditory Lateralisation Vs Speech Disorders (Stuttering) Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warsaw, Poland
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