Though the hearing of most children with learning or attention problems is fine, their listening is problematic resulting in their difficulties to read or pay attention in their study. Listening is the capacity to remember useful sound information and to remove unwanted noise at the same time.
Good listening ability means that one will not be influenced by external environmental factors, useless stimuli will be removed efficiently, and one can more effectively focus on the useful information. The whole process of analyzing, organizing and categorizing the information can be done without excessive tiredness. Hence, attention deficit originates from listening difficulties, which can also cause confusion in behavior or communication barriers, thus resulting in the lack of interpersonal skills in a social context.
The principle of improving listening is to stimulate the middle ear muscle tissue, which is the key to good and bad listening. Filtered music selects high frequency sound in order to increase brain stimulation that can strengthen the middle ear muscles, thus enhancing the accuracy of the transmitted sound. It also provides energy to the brain, increasing the efficiency of the child’s ability to focus.
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Surveyed more than 1,000 students in 62 schools in Poland, including grades 1, 2, and 3. On average, 198 hours of Tomatis hearing training are completed in two years, and 60 hours of logarithmic rhythm are required in one year. The research results show that:1. By investigating the critical abilities of a thousand children, the Tomatis method can improve children's ability level scores and scores. The most significant effects were in learning and social skills.2. The Tomatis approach helps support and promote the development of children with special needs.Compared with children who have not received Tomatis listening therapy, their abilities have improved significantly.(Konarski 2014)
Through more than 20 students in grades 2-6, Tomatis Listening Therapy for 30 minutes per day, and compared the learning effects of Tomatis Listening Therapy before and after intervention. The survey results show that:
1) After using Tomatis to listen to treatment, 63.7% of teachers believe that the leadership of students has improved significantly;40.9% of teachers believe that students 'sense of responsibility has improved or significantly improved; 40.9% of teachers think that students' academic performance has improved significantly.
2) 65.9% of students significantly improved their overall self-esteem after listening to treatment with Tomatis; 50% of their overall behavior improved or significantly improved; 54.6% of their overall learning attitude improved or significantly improved; 72.7% of their overall communication Ability improved; 63.7% of the students' overall confidence level improved or significantly improved.(Young 2013)
1. M. Treatment for ADHD
It is essential that children be able to filter out distractions, hold information in working memory and process that information in order to learn. ADHD makes it difficult for children to sustain attention and focus.
Much of our lives revolve around timing. Reading relies on timing. Sleep cycles rely on brain timing. Speaking is all about pauses and timing. Walking in rhythm relies on coordinated, timed movement, as does dancing; even baking cookies is a matter of timing. Synchronizing the body’s “internal clock” helps the functional brain networks communicate rhythmically and efficiently. The efficient communication between the brain and body allows all systems to be working at peak levels. When everything is working at the optimum level, the brain’s cognitive processes are free to work on memory, processing and coordinating action, all while still maintaining focus!
Interactive Metronome (I.M.) training also addresses sustained attention by guiding users to repeatedly respond to a cue across varying lengths of time.
NEP treatment for ADHD
Dr. Tomatis’ Electronic Ear provides the well known Tomatis Effect which surpasses the other sound training programs that speak to aspects of Dr. Tomatis' work. It is a combination of audiology, acoustics, neuropsychology, psychology and physics to provide a complete treatment for children, adolescents and adults with learning difficulties, ADHD, ADD, low mood swings, anxiety disorders, sensory and motor integration problems and other behavioral issues. Children, Adolescents and Adults whose auditory perception is disrupted may cause effortful listening and slow auditory processing; and professionals who may suffer from anxiety, over-stress, and burnt-out feelings may benefit from this NEP program. Tomatis' work has been established in international markets for over 50 years and in the United States market for 25 years.
Medication for ADHD
Symptoms of adult ADHD are generally treated with medicine. But there's more to effective treatment than just taking a pill. Stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall are often prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD), but they might not be the best option for your child—and they’re certainly not the only treatment.
Medications for ADHD may help your child concentrate better or sit still, at least in the short term. But to date, there is little evidence that they improve school achievement, relationships, or behavioral issues over the long term. And even in the short term, medication won’t solve all problems or completely eliminate the symptoms of ADHD.
Furthermore, there are concerns about the effects these powerful drugs may have on a child’s developing brain. And the side effects—such as irritability, loss of appetite, and insomnia—can also be problematic.
The bottom line: medication is a tool, not a cure. And it is most effective when combined with other treatments that address emotional and behavioral issues.
Early Effects of the Tomatis Listening Method in Children with Attention Deficit
Liliana Sacarin, Antioch University - Seattle, 2013
Dissertation Abstract
This study investigated the early effects of the Tomatis Method, hypothesizing improvement in processing speed, phonological awareness, reading efficiency, attention, behavior and brain physiology by the end of Phase 1 of the Tomatis Method. This study documented the effects of the first phase of the Tomatis Method on children with ADD ages 7-13. Of the 25 participants, 15 received solely the Tomatis treatment while 10 served as controls and were stabilized on ADD medication three months prior to and throughout the study. Therefore, this research study compared Tomatis versus non-Tomatis intervention, not ADD medication treatment with Tomatis intervention. The Tomatis group received 15 consecutive 2hour sessions; participants received no additional vestibular or visual-motor exercises throughoutthe research. Results revealed statistically significant improvements for the Tomatis when compared to the non-Tomatis group: the experimental group showed significant improvement in processing speed, phonological awareness, phonemic decoding efficiency when reading, behavior, and auditory attention. A statistically significant increase in slow brain activity at central and parietal midline recording sites in the Tomatis group was observed when comparing pre- and post treatment the ta/beta ratios within each group. Taken in isolation, these are paradoxical findings as they do not concur with the gains documented. The peak alpha v frequency values and thez-scored theta/beta ratios of the pre- and post- qEEGs for each participant in the Tomatis group were further explored. The paradoxical increase in the ta/betharatios obtained from individual raw values were not observed to the same extent when using z-scores. The z-scores suggested that the theta/betaratio, although higher for the Tomatis group after training, remains within the average range for all participants. The individual analysis showed that the changes observed still fell within normal values, which may serve to explain the behavioral gains. To conclude, the significant improvements noted in cognition, attention and behavior, strongly suggest that the Tomatis Method has positive effects in children with ADD. These early changes in brain physiology require further research.
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