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~Past Corporate Training ~


WhatsApp Image 2021-11-10 at 4.33.55 PM (1).jpeg

This Master Class is a special unique learning experience of how Empathetic Focusing Trauma Therapy Training can apply to different types of trauma experiences and have a glimpse of how Dr. Kot would practice it in her own office!                                    


這個大師班是一個獨特的學習機會 ,體驗同理生命自覺創傷治療如何應用於不同類型的創傷經歷,並一睹葛博士如何在她自己的辦公室應同理生命自覺創傷治療!                                          

日期: 2021 年 12 月 27 日 7:00pm -10:30 pm [HK Time 香港時間]
Date : December 2, 2021
時間 Time :7:00 pm -10:30 pm [HK Time 香港時間]
11:00 am-2:30 pm [London Time 倫敦時間]
6:00 am-10:30 am [Toronto EDT多倫多時間]

重播日期 Date : December 28, 2021 2021 年 12 月 28 日 + 現埸解簽問題
Replay時間 Time : 9:30 am-1:00pm [HK Time 香港時間] + live QA
12:30 pm- 4:00pm [Sydney Time 悉尼時間]
December 27, 2021: 5:30 pm-9:00 pm [Vancouver PST溫哥華太平洋標準時間]
December 27, 2021: 6:30 pm-10:00 pm [Edmonton MST埃德蒙頓時間]
December 27, 2021: 8:30 pm-12:00 midnight [Toronto EDT多倫多時間 ]

對象 Attendees: 社工、醫護人員、心理學家、社會工作員、輔導員、牧靈工作者、受助者等
Social workers, medical staff, psychologists, social workers, counselors, pastoral workers, clients etc.                                     


(Empathetic Focusing Trauma Training)

Focusing Trainer :

Dr. Katherine L. K. Kot


Enroll in full-year : 
$18,000 (Including Level 1 to Level IV)     
Special Offer for two persons: $17,500

Early Bird discount $17,500
Special Offer for two persons $17000
(Payment before November 15, 2021)


Introductory Course
Level I :   $3,200 (2days)
                $4,700 (3days)


Deadline for Registration: DEC 31, 2021

training (2022).jpg

Brainspotting is a powerful, brain-body based focused treatment method that accesses the deepest regions of the brain to release trauma, pain and anxiety.

The Phase 1 Brainspotting training successfully completed in February and May 2021 with a lot of positive feedback from participants. We have also established a regular practice group for Hong Kong participants.  
The third Phase 1 Brainspotting Training will be available for Hong Kong professionals Aug 27-29, 2021 7am-2:30 pm with details to be found here:

The process to become certified in Brainspotting only requires Phase 1+2 (each 3 days) training plus a minimum of 6 hours of consultation. For more details, please go to 

More information about Brainspotting can be viewed from this link:


Connexion Psychological Practice will be the coordinator for Hong Kong Asia practitioners.

Any enquiries can be sent by WhatsApp to

+852 9514 4925 or by calling +852 2881 8860.

Please add “Connexion” as your referral so we can follow up with your application.
Early bird ends by 5th Aug 2021





日     期:7月31日 (星期六) 

時.    間:11:30am - 1:30 pm

形.    式:網上講座錄影及親自解答 Q & A

費     用 :  全免


ASD Q&A 2021.07.31 [Final].jpg
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-04 at 9.28.18 PM.

Brainspotting is a powerful, brain-body based focused treatment method that accesses the deepest regions of the brain to release trauma, pain and anxiety.                                                                                                     
The first Phase 1 Brainspotting training successfully completed in Feb 2021 with a lot of positive feedbacks from participants.  We have also established a regular practice group for HK participants.  

The second Phase 1 Brainspoting Training will be available for Hong Kong professionals with details as below: 

Process to become certified in Brainspotting only requires Phase 1+2 (each 3 days) training plus minimal 6 hrs of consultation.


Details : 


More info about BraInspotting can be viewed from this link :



日     期:5月1- 2 日 (Sat- Sun) 
時.    間:9:30am - 6:30 pm
地.    點:待定( 實體)
收 費💰 :
正        價:  每位 $3200   
                    2人同行每位$ 3000
早鳥優惠:  每位$ 3000                                                  
                      (4/26 前報名)
早 早 鳥: 每位$ 2850                                                                                   2人同行每位$ 2700                                  
                   (4/16 前報名)



Brainspotting is a powerful, brain-body based focused treatment method that accesses the deepest regions of the brain to release trauma symotoms such as flashbacks, pain and anxiety.                                                        

2021 The first Phase 1 Brainspoting Training will be available online for Hong Kong professionals. Here below is the details of the training enrolment


Certification to become the licensed practitioner only require Phase 1+2 (each 4 days) training plus 6 hrs of consultation. 

Details :


More info about BraInspotting can be viewed from this link :


Connexion Psychological Practice will help to coordinate for Hong Kong Asia practitioners, any enquiry can be sent by WhatsApp to +852 9514 4925 or call 2881-8860


  •  5th April 2019workshop on 5April 2019:

  • 幫助能夠多些認識自己,以及透過別人的經歷,令自己更成長。

  • 發現自己受原生家庭的影響,很難表達自己的感受,透過圖畫明白多咗。原來自己的傷心未能表達。 


  • Rewarding overall, Valuable comment, Learning from others

  • 更認識自己內在,有很多得着,了解自己多了

  • 重新審視自己的一生,發現原來 神一直都在自己生命中,感恩 神一直的帶領和幫助。加強了對 神的信心。

        接納了自己很軟弱,但因此顯出 神的偉大:)  




  • [2017 ( By Dr. Katherine Kot)] -孩子的發展障礙  日期﹕15/07/2017 (星期六) 時間﹕10:00am-12:30pm




1A: Basic Focusing (April 3-4, 2-Day Workshop) Introduction of Focusing
Discover Felt Sense
Guided ways to explore inner experiences
6-Step Model of Focusing
Expressing skills of inner movements
Live demonstration and practice exercises

1B: Focusing Listening and Partnership (April 5-6, 2-Day Workshop) Pre-requisite: Basic Focusing 1A
Concept of Focusing Partnership
Focusing Listening
Focusing Partnership listening skills
Safety issues in Focusing Partnership
Focusing and Guiding
Live demonstration and practice exercises

Preparation for PFP (Proficiency as Focusing Partner Award) (April 7, 2015, 1-Day Workshop) Pre-requisite: Focusing 1A and 1B
This time will be spent in explaining, practicing and planning the study/experiential structure for this work for the next 6-8 month. You will chose your partners, plan the times and locations to do individual/pair practice, practice groups and additional supervision by Skype with Nada. Fulfilling this practice requirement, if successful you will be eligible to be granted The Focusing Institute Proficiency as Focusing Partner (PFP) Award Document. PFP Award will be signed by the Focusing Institute NY and Nada Lou TFI Certifying Coordinator (CC).



Focusing For Generative Thinking – TAE MODULE ONE(April 9-10,2-Day Workshop)
People find that THINKING in a Focusing way opens a whole new awareness of their hidden gifts they’ve been holding inside for years. They are surprised by the discovery of their own untapped wisdom.


Stuck in Trauma? Come to Psychodrama

Psychodrama is an action Method, often used as a Psychotherapy, in which clients use spontaneous dramatization, role playing and dramatic self-presentation to investigate and gain in sight in to their lives. The primary goal of psychodrama is to increase the impulsivity of our own emotions in a highly organized, yet creative and productive manner.

2013 Focusing Institute Summer School students testimonies

1A: Basic Focusing (Nov24-25, 2014, 2-Day Workshop)Introduction of Focusing
Discover Felt Sense
Guided ways to explore inner experiences
6-Step Model of Focusing
Expressing skills of inner movements
Live demonstration and practice exercises

1B: Focusing Listening and Partnership (Nov26-27, 2014, 2-Day Workshop)Pre-requisite: Basic Focusing 1A
Concept of Focusing Partnership
Focusing Listening
Focusing Partnership listening skills
Safety issues in Focusing Partnership
Focusing and Guiding
Live demonstration and practice exercises

Preparation for PFP (Proficiency as Focusing Partner Award) (Dec1, 2014, half-Day Workshop) Pre-requisite: Focusing 1A and 1B
This time will be spent in explaining, practicing and planning the study/experiential structure for this work for the next 6-8 month. You will chose your partners, plan the times and locations to do individual/pair practice, practice groups and additional supervision by Skype with Nada. Fulfilling this practice requirement, if successful you will be eligible to be granted The Focusing Institute Proficiency as Focusing Partner (PFP) Award Document. PFP Award will be signed by the Focusing Institute NY and Nada Lou TFI Certifying Coordinator (CC).

Focusing For Generative Thinking – TAE (Nov29-30, 2Day)
People find that THINKING in a Focusing way opens a whole new awareness of their hidden gifts they’ve been holding inside for years. They are surprised by the discovery of their own untapped wisdom.


Day1 The Changing Faces of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Contemporary Theory and Technique AND Beginning Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: The Frame, Inquiry & Therapist-Patient Relationship
Day2 Transference and Counter-transference in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Day3 The Schizoid and Schizotypal Personality Disorders and Related Schizoid Phenomena
Introductory Certificate Program in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


Day1 Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: the Core Relational Theme Model

Day2 The Etiology and Treatment of Depression: an Interpersonal Psychoanalytic Perspective

Day3 The Clinical Use of Patients' Dreams in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Introductory Certificate Program in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


Introductory Certificate Program in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


Certificate in Applied Arts Therapy in Practice

Introductory Certificate Program in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


  • [2012-12-26-27(by by Dr. Katherine Kot and Sabrina Koh)] - Exploring who am I through Creative Art Process by Dr. Katherine Kot and Sabrina Koh

(A 2-day Creative Arts Therapy workshop(Apply From))


(A 2-day Creative Arts Therapy workshop(Apply From))



((Apply From))

((Apply From))


((Apply From))


  • [2012-5(by Dr. Edward Shen Ph.D.)] - Basic Workshop On Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods (EDxTM) (by Dr. Edward Shen Ph.D.)









Public Workshop

  • [2010-03-20] - Neuro Ear Programming 大腦聽力整合程式講座

  • [2010-02-06 ~ 2010-03-07] - Self Enhancement I: Whole-person Business Development program with NEP/EQ (by Dr. Katherine Kot & Ms. Sabrina Koh)

  • [2010-01-30] - 拓展大腦潛能 II:如何增強記憶

  • [2010-01-09] - 大腦潛能發展與孩子成長

  • [2010-01-16] - 拓展大腦潛能

  • [2008-12-13] - Helping your Child Overcome Emotional and Learning Difficulties

  • [2008-12-12] - Optimizing Your Child's Brain

  • [2008-12-06] - The Developing Mind: How Attachment & Communication Shape your Children

  • [2008-06-07] - Hold me Tight - 7 Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

  • [2005-04-05] - 飛躍上位──解除人際間的權力鬥爭與衝突

Group Therapy


How to help the emotional needs of your patients: Questionnaire for GP / Family Physicians

Order Form

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